5 Things everyone should know about mental illness

Recently my husband and I had a discussion about anxiety disorders. No, my husband is not a mental health professional...but we often find ourselves discussing the topic. Through our recent conversation it got me thinking, there are things everyone should know about mental illness that maybe aren't talked about in everyone's homes or on social …

Natural ways to help ease tummy troubles when you’ve over-indulged

Yesterday I ate horrible. I'm almost embarrassed to admit how horrible I ate yesterday, but I think it's a good lesson for everyone. And when I say I ate horrible, I MEAN HORRIBLE. Think everything I'm not supposed to eat- gluten, dairy, processed foods/sugars....and that's literally all I ate. The only vegetables I ate yesterday …

I visited an integrative doctor and here’s what happened…

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links. This means, at no additional cost to you, I may receive commission if you click the link and purchase an item.  This helps keep yourroyalhealness going. Thank you and enjoy the blog! Welcome back!  I kind of say that to you, but also to myself since …